With its pigmentation, a chameleon is able to adapt to its environment. Thus its chances to survive are substantially increased. But despite all these adaptations, it always sticks to its guns.
It would never try to aspire to a horse’s size or the liquid environment of fish.
Changes also increase the “survival” of organizations. The state-of-the-art of 10 years ago may be out of date or even pernicious by now. It is important to realize this need for action in time
and to respond to it. Supporting these intentions of change is called change management. By doing this, implications of a change process are being analyzed and concerns are being realized. Thus
proper steps can be taken to help comprehend the situation, mitigate the impact or at least show ways to find the positive aspects within an allegedly threatening process.
An outside view offers several advantages: the feedback of a party not involved in the process opens up new angles on change processes without tunnel vision and a fair-minded and unbiased
position. This critical view is of great advantage for the clients by pointing out weaknesses and problems before any harm is caused. Moreover, it includes the task of staying on top of things
during long-term processes – a task well worth the effort. Many processes of change fail due to premature closure of processes taking place. But only when this change has successfully been
transformed from in name only to a vivid part of the organization in everyday life and the corporate identity itself it can be regarded as a real successful change.
1. Unfreeze: Communication of the need for a change as well as preparation and planning of the process
2. Change: Support during the change process, also e.g. within an existing project
3. Refreeze: Post-procession and fixation of the change, e.g. via training sessions or surveys