Purposeful selection of qualifying strategies. Reduction of administrative effort for organizing training sessions.
Vision: “Every employee takes part in the training sessions that are suitable for them to better accomplish their tasks now and in future times. To achieve this, suitable trainings are at their
Definition of goals to be achieved and project planning. Job characteristics were developed by extended project staff. Form and processes for performance interviews were edited to create staff
profiles. Training of recruiters and members of the executive board; information event for employees. Project evaluation.
Introduction of SAP HCM modules Learning Solution, Employee Self Service, Managers Desktop, organizational management and staff development.
Introduction of a system based on SAP for juxtaposing requirement profiles and staff profiles to facilitate a purposeful selection of qualifying strategies. Employees can sign on and cancel their
registration for a training module. The complete training administration is paperless. Thus efficiency rate has risen up to 70 per cent in the field of seminar organization.
Optimization of internal IT infrastructure for HR applications. Design of the systems for intermediate-term implementation in up to 20 internationally located subsidiaries of different sizes.
Setup of a team consisting of project leader with the ability to lead projects of different dimensions or undertaking split leadership of projects. Projects were conducted in cooperation with
foreign divisions and external consultants.
Team leadership, development of a decision template to start or finish a project and inducing decisions and escalations. Consulting and support of project leader.
Implementation of different projects to optimize IT infrastructure. Setup of criteria for implementing IT tools, e.g. SAP HCM modules, organizational manager, or web-based trainings at
subsidiaries; first roll outs were arranged. Entrenchment of procedures, templates and standardized processes for project management at the same time to create a “project management
Professionalization of a canteen of a medium-sized company. Development of capacities, improvement of food quality (according to survey) and extension of variety.
An external operator was to be found. Definition of goals, project planning, determination of criteria of decision-making, marketing research, creation of a decision matrix, coordination and
conduct of kitchen renovation as well as change management and suitable project communication.
A professional operator has been found to operate the canteen. By using new cooking methods the variety could be extended and quality of food could be improved. The capacity of the canteen could
not be augmented but due to extended opening hours it could be improved by switching to a double or triple shift system during lunchtime.
Feasibility analysis for a salary system offering orientation in terms of amount of salary and systematic as well as coherent controlling and distribution of the wages within the company.
Guarantee of task- and performance-based as well as competitive salary for employees and managers.
Definition of goals and project planning (task packages, schedule, budget) for implementation. Textualisation of a job structure model and salary system. Here function description and new
salary tables for approximately 4,500 employees should be implemented and follow-up costs during the implementation of the project should be calculated.
Project plan and concept were created and presented to the client.
A software specialized on dimensioning solar arrays had been published prior to examination. After gaining first experiences with the software the product was due for optimization. Additionally
the new product lines should be made available and new features were to be offered.
The project was based on the principles of agile project management. Here project contents are not determined in advance to coordinate the process. Instead requirements are collected in a
so-called “Product Backlog”. For new expansion stages of the software matching requirements with high priority will be selected. Nonetheless, even with agile project management all steps of
project planning, defining requirements, realization, tests up to post processing of the project are to be considered.
Publication of four software releases within one year with extension of clientele from approximately 1,700 users to approximately 19,000 users.
Preparation of a business plan for an application for grants and loans.
Research of demands for business plans. Determination of relevant data via structured interviews. Conduct and consulting of incorporators.
During the ongoing process of consulting we examined the economic and individual consequences of installing a beauty salon. Our client realized that having her own beauty salon would be one step
too far. Having examined other options our client decided to „rent-a-chair“, i.e. renting one or several chairs at an already existing beauty salon with the advantage of low fixation costs.