Petra Krug was born in Neuss in 1974. Having passed her A-levels in 1994 she decided to study economics at the University of Kassel. Soon she realized her passion for Human Resources and
therefore decided to focus on administrative management (organization and Human Resources).
Still enrolled she complemented her theoretical expertise with practical experiences gained in on-the-job trainings and as assistant in research projects at University of Kassel.
After her graduation from University of Kassel in 2000 with a diploma in economics she soon got started in the field of Human Resources. Working as HR representative at SMA Solar Niestetal she
had the chance to use her knowledge in the fields of recruiting, HR development, HR marketing, and HR management. As a team and project leader with a focus on staff and software she was
responsible for projects in investment, organization and product development.
Taking several additional courses e.g. in change management in locations such as Berlin, Nuremberg or Thalwil (Switzerland), she deepened her knowledge to show her qualification for her upcoming
tasks. Here professional expertise always went hand in hand with personal abilities in HR management, communication and conflict management.
Since April 2012 Petra Krug has also been the CEO of b.logix. There she brings together her long-term experience in soft skills and the hard facts of her background of business studies.
Additionally, she has been actively involved as a coach at Triangel Institute in Berlin since 2013 where she offers workhops in collaboration with course instructors and other coaches.